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API Endpoint Overview

Category Method Endpoint Description
Arbitrage GET /v1/arbitrage/tickerlist Retrieves arbitrage ticker info meeting volume and market cap criteria.
Blockchain GET /v1/blockchain/transactionstatus/{network}/{transactionId} Retrieves transaction status from a blockchain network.
Blockchain GET /v1/blockchain/transactioninfo/{network}/{transactionId} Retrieves detailed information for a blockchain transaction.
Blockchain GET /v1/blockchain/balance/{network}/{address} Retrieves balance details of an address on a blockchain network.
Blockchain GET /v1/blockchain/networks Retrieves supported blockchain networks information.
Convert GET /v1/convert/{baseTokenId}/{targetTokenId} Converts amount between tokens based on the current rate.
Convert GET /v1/convert/rate/{baseTokenId}/{targetTokenId} Retrieves conversion rate for a specified token pair.
Convert GET /v1/convert/symbols/{baseSymbol}/{targetSymbol} Converts amount between tokens identified by ticker symbols.
Convert GET /v1/convert/rate/symbols/{baseSymbol}/{targetSymbol} Retrieves conversion rate using token ticker symbols.
Historical Data GET /v1/historical/OLHC/{baseTokenId}/{targetTokenId} Retrieves historical OHLC data for specified token pairs.
Historical Data GET /v1/historical/OLHC/symbols/{baseSymbol}/{targetSymbol} Retrieves historical OHLC data identified by ticker symbols.
Market Data GET /v1/marketdata/aggregatedticker/{baseTokenId}/{targetTokenId} Retrieves aggregated market data for a specified token pair.
Market Data GET /v1/marketdata/aggregatedticker/symbols/{baseSymbol}/{targetSymbol} Market data overview using ticker symbols.
Market Data GET /v1/marketdata/tickerlist Retrieves market ticker data for specified pairs.
Market Data GET /v1/marketdata/snapshot/{baseTokenId}/{targetTokenId} Snapshot of aggregated market data from all exchanges.
Market Data GET /v1/marketdata/snapshot/symbols/{baseSymbol}/{targetSymbol} Snapshot of market data for token pair identified by ticker symbols.
Metadata GET /v1/metadata/tokenmap Retrieves mapping of token IDs to globally recognized tokens.
Metadata GET /v1/metadata/exchangetokenmap Retrieves token mapping across exchanges.
Metadata GET /v1/metadata/exchangemap Retrieves details and metadata about exchanges.
News GET /v1/news/{tokenId} Retrieves latest news related to a specific token ID.
News GET /v1/news/symbol/{symbol} Retrieves latest news articles for a given ticker symbol.
Orderbook Data GET /v1/advanced/universalsubs Retrieves universal orderbook subscription data.
Orderbook Data GET /v1/orderbook/{baseTokenId}/{targetTokenId} Retrieves an orderbook snapshot for a token pair.
Orderbook Data GET /v1/orderbook/symbols/{baseSymbol}/{targetSymbol} Retrieves orderbook snapshot using ticker symbols.
Subscriptions GET /v1/subscriptions Retrieves current list of active subscriptions.
Orderbook Data POST /v1/subscriptions/tracksymbol Activates tracking for specific currency pairs.
Token Information GET /v1/tokeninformation/{tokenId} Retrieves detailed information for a token by ID.
Token Information GET /v1/tokeninformation/symbols/{symbol} Retrieves token details identified by ticker symbol.
Trade Quotes POST /v1/trade/requestquote Submits and processes a trade quote request.
Trade Quotes POST /v1/trade/requestadvancedquote Submits and processes an advanced trade quote request.