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Featured Endpoints

Below you'll find a selection of the most powerful endpoints in OmniBit API. Each endpoint is presented with its purpose, path parameters, and example requests/responses.

Snapshot (Single Pair)

GET /v1/marketdata/snapshot/{baseTokenId}/{targetTokenId}
GET /v1/marketdata/snapshot/symbols/{baseSymbol}/{targetSymbol}

Retrieves a "snapshot" of the current order book data (best bid, best ask, last price, volume) across multiple exchanges for one trading pair.

Path Parameters (by Token IDs):

Name Type Mandatory Description
baseTokenId number Yes Token ID of the base token.
targetTokenId number Yes Token ID of the target token.

Path Parameters (by Symbols):

Name Type Mandatory Description
baseSymbol string Yes Symbol of the base token.
targetSymbol string Yes Symbol of the target token.

Example Requests

GET /v1/marketdata/snapshot/7312/5898
GET /v1/marketdata/snapshot/symbols/ETH/USDT

Example Response

  "data": [
      "exchange": "GATE",
      "bestAsk": 2084.01,
      "bestAskSize": 7.3457,
      "bestBid": 2084,
      "bestBidSize": 3.7625,
      "lastPrice": 2085.09,
      "volume": 415183
      "exchange": "HUOBI",
      "bestAsk": 2084.77,
      "bestAskSize": 1.9447,
      "bestBid": 2084.76,
      "bestBidSize": 0.0267,
      "lastPrice": 2084.77,
      "volume": 72896
    // ...
  "success": true,
  "timestamp": 1741062856357,
  "requestId": "",
  "message": ""

Blockchain Balance Query

GET /v1/blockchain/balance/{network}/{address}

Retrieves the current balance for a specified blockchain address on a given network.

Path Parameters:

Name Type Mandatory Description
network string Yes The blockchain network (e.g., TRON, ETH, BTC).
address string Yes The wallet address to query.

Example Request

GET /v1/blockchain/balance/TRON/TBFNPitHnNUKuYC4teEs2LiRKTbRxGYXZu

Example Response

  "data": {
    "network": "TRON",
    "symbol": "TRX",
    "balance": 142.922878,
    "contractAddress": "TRON",
    "walletAddress": "TBFNPitHnNUKuYC4teEs2LiRKTbRxGYXZu"
  "success": true,
  "timestamp": 1740543825582,
  "requestId": "",
  "message": ""

Advanced Trade Quote

POST /v1/trade/requestadvancedquote

Submits a trade quote request that leverages real-time liquidity aggregation and intelligent routing to calculate the full transaction cost—including deposit and withdrawal fees.

Request Body Parameters:

Name Type Mandatory Description
side string Yes Trade direction (BUY or SELL).
orderType string Yes Order type (e.g., MARKET, LIMIT).
baseAmount number Yes The amount of the base token.
targetAmount number Yes The desired amount of the target token (set to 0 if not specified).
baseSymbol string Yes Ticker symbol of the base token.
targetSymbol string Yes Ticker symbol of the target token.
baseTokenId number Yes Unique token ID for the base token.
targetTokenId number Yes Unique token ID for the target token.
sources array Yes List of exchange identifiers (e.g., ["BINANCE", "BITFINEX", "KRAKEN"]).

Example Request

POST /v1/trade/requestadvancedquote
Content-Type: application/json

  "side": "BUY",
  "orderType": "MARKET",
  "baseAmount": 10,
  "targetAmount": 0,
  "baseSymbol": "BTC",
  "targetSymbol": "USDT",
  "baseTokenId": 5426,
  "targetTokenId": 825,
  "sources": ["BINANCE", "BITFINEX", "KRAKEN"]

Example Response

  "side": "BUY",
  "orderType": "MARKET",
  "status": "QUOTED",
  "baseAmount": 10,
  "targetAmount": 1426.487378,
  "rate": 142.62,
  "baseTokenSymbol": "SOL",
  "targetTokenSymbol": "USDT",
  "totalFee": 0.004138,
  "depositFee": 0.002138,
  "withdrawalFee": 0.002,
  "chain": "SPL-SPL",
  "sources": ["ALL"],
  "success": true,
  "timestamp": 1740538217540,
  "requestId": "u12ipqrwehwq023",
  "message": ""