Featured Endpoints
Below you'll find a selection of the most powerful endpoints in OmniBit API. Each endpoint is presented with its purpose, path parameters, and example requests/responses.
Snapshot (Single Pair)
GET /v1/marketdata/snapshot/{baseTokenId}/{targetTokenId}
GET /v1/marketdata/snapshot/symbols/{baseSymbol}/{targetSymbol}
Retrieves a "snapshot" of the current order book data (best bid, best ask, last price, volume) across multiple exchanges for one trading pair.
Path Parameters (by Token IDs):
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
baseTokenId | number | Yes | Token ID of the base token. |
targetTokenId | number | Yes | Token ID of the target token. |
Path Parameters (by Symbols):
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
baseSymbol | string | Yes | Symbol of the base token. |
targetSymbol | string | Yes | Symbol of the target token. |
Example Requests
GET /v1/marketdata/snapshot/7312/5898
GET /v1/marketdata/snapshot/symbols/ETH/USDT
Example Response
"data": [
"exchange": "GATE",
"bestAsk": 2084.01,
"bestAskSize": 7.3457,
"bestBid": 2084,
"bestBidSize": 3.7625,
"lastPrice": 2085.09,
"volume": 415183
"exchange": "HUOBI",
"bestAsk": 2084.77,
"bestAskSize": 1.9447,
"bestBid": 2084.76,
"bestBidSize": 0.0267,
"lastPrice": 2084.77,
"volume": 72896
// ...
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1741062856357,
"requestId": "",
"message": ""
Blockchain Balance Query
GET /v1/blockchain/balance/{network}/{address}
Retrieves the current balance for a specified blockchain address on a given network.
Path Parameters:
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
network | string | Yes | The blockchain network (e.g., TRON, ETH, BTC). |
address | string | Yes | The wallet address to query. |
Example Request
GET /v1/blockchain/balance/TRON/TBFNPitHnNUKuYC4teEs2LiRKTbRxGYXZu
Example Response
"data": {
"network": "TRON",
"symbol": "TRX",
"balance": 142.922878,
"contractAddress": "TRON",
"walletAddress": "TBFNPitHnNUKuYC4teEs2LiRKTbRxGYXZu"
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1740543825582,
"requestId": "",
"message": ""
Advanced Trade Quote
POST /v1/trade/requestadvancedquote
Submits a trade quote request that leverages real-time liquidity aggregation and intelligent routing to calculate the full transaction cost—including deposit and withdrawal fees.
Request Body Parameters:
Name | Type | Mandatory | Description |
side | string | Yes | Trade direction (BUY or SELL ). |
orderType | string | Yes | Order type (e.g., MARKET , LIMIT ). |
baseAmount | number | Yes | The amount of the base token. |
targetAmount | number | Yes | The desired amount of the target token (set to 0 if not specified). |
baseSymbol | string | Yes | Ticker symbol of the base token. |
targetSymbol | string | Yes | Ticker symbol of the target token. |
baseTokenId | number | Yes | Unique token ID for the base token. |
targetTokenId | number | Yes | Unique token ID for the target token. |
sources | array | Yes | List of exchange identifiers (e.g., ["BINANCE", "BITFINEX", "KRAKEN"] ). |
Example Request
POST /v1/trade/requestadvancedquote
Content-Type: application/json
"side": "BUY",
"orderType": "MARKET",
"baseAmount": 10,
"targetAmount": 0,
"baseSymbol": "BTC",
"targetSymbol": "USDT",
"baseTokenId": 5426,
"targetTokenId": 825,
"sources": ["BINANCE", "BITFINEX", "KRAKEN"]
Example Response
"side": "BUY",
"orderType": "MARKET",
"status": "QUOTED",
"baseAmount": 10,
"targetAmount": 1426.487378,
"rate": 142.62,
"baseTokenSymbol": "SOL",
"targetTokenSymbol": "USDT",
"totalFee": 0.004138,
"depositFee": 0.002138,
"withdrawalFee": 0.002,
"chain": "SPL-SPL",
"sources": ["ALL"],
"success": true,
"timestamp": 1740538217540,
"requestId": "u12ipqrwehwq023",
"message": ""