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Market Data

Endpoint Overview

Method Endpoint Description
GET /v1/marketdata/aggregatedticker/{baseTokenId}/{targetTokenId} Retrieves aggregated market data for a specified token pair.
GET /v1/marketdata/aggregatedticker/symbols/{baseSymbol}/{targetSymbol} Market data overview using ticker symbols.
GET /v1/marketdata/tickerlist Retrieves market ticker data for specified pairs.
GET /v1/marketdata/snapshot/{baseTokenId}/{targetTokenId} Snapshot of aggregated market data from all exchanges.
GET /v1/marketdata/snapshot/symbols/{baseSymbol}/{targetSymbol} Snapshot of market data identified by ticker symbols.

These endpoints offer real-time price and volume data from multiple exchanges. You can fetch snapshots of order book data, ticker lists for multiple pairs, or an aggregated ticker for a single pair. When specifying pairs, you can use:

  • Token IDs (e.g., 7312 for ETH, 5898 for USDT)
  • Symbols (e.g., ETH / USDT)

(If you need help identifying a token�s ID, see the Token Information endpoints.)

Snapshot (Single Pair)

GET /v1/marketdata/snapshot/{baseTokenId}/{targetTokenId}
GET /v1/marketdata/snapshot/symbols/{baseSymbol}/{targetSymbol}

Retrieves a "snapshot" of the current top of book order book data (best bid, best ask, last price, volume) across multiple exchanges for one trading pair.

Path Parameters (by Token IDs):

Name Type Mandatory Description
baseTokenId number Yes Token ID of the base token.
targetTokenId number Yes Token ID of the target token.

Path Parameters (by Symbols):

Name Type Mandatory Description
baseSymbol string Yes Symbol of the base token.
targetSymbol string Yes Symbol of the target token.

Example Requests

GET /v1/marketdata/snapshot/7312/5898
GET /v1/marketdata/snapshot/symbols/ETH/USDT

Example Response

  "data": [
      "exchange": "GATE",         // Exchange name
      "bestAsk": 2084.01,         // Lowest sell price
      "bestAskSize": 7.3457,      // Size available at best ask
      "bestBid": 2084,            // Highest buy price
      "bestBidSize": 3.7625,      // Size available at best bid
      "lastPrice": 2085.09,       // Most recently traded price on this exchange
      "volume": 415183            // Trading volume (typically over last 24 hours)
      "exchange": "HUOBI",
      "bestAsk": 2084.77,
      "bestAskSize": 1.9447,
      "bestBid": 2084.76,
      "bestBidSize": 0.0267,
      "lastPrice": 2084.77,
      "volume": 72896
    // ...
  "success": true,
  "timestamp": 1741062856357,
  "requestId": "",
  "message": ""

Ticker List (Multiple Pairs)

GET /v1/marketdata/tickerlist

Returns ticker data for one or more trading pairs, optionally scoped to a specific exchange. By default:

  • exchange=ALL → Aggregated data across multiple exchanges (e.g., combined volume, best overall bid/ask).
  • limit defaults to 100 (maximum is 100; if you specify more, it still returns 100).

Query Parameters:

Name Type Mandatory Description
exchange string No Limit the data to a single exchange (e.g., BINANCE). Defaults to ALL.
symbols array of strings No One or more trading pairs in {baseSymbol}-{targetSymbol} format. E.g., symbols=BTC-USDT&symbols=ETH-USDT.
tokenIds array of strings No One or more trading pairs in {baseTokenId}-{targetTokenId} format. E.g., tokenIds=130-5898.
limit integer No Number of records to return (default 100, max 100).
offset integer No Pagination offset - skips the first N records.

Available Exchange Values:

Example Requests

GET /v1/marketdata/tickerlist?exchange=BINANCE&tokenIds=130-5898&limit=1
GET /v1/marketdata/tickerlist?exchange=BINANCE&symbols=BTC-USDT&symbols=ETH-USDT&symbols=SOL-USDT

Example Response

  "data": [
      "baseSymbol": "BTC",           // Base token symbol
      "targetSymbol": "DAI",         // Target token symbol
      "baseTokenId": 130,            // Base token ID
      "targetTokenId": 34724,        // Target token ID
      "exchange": "BINANCE",         // Exchange name or 'ALL'
      "bestAsk": 84219.58,           // Lowest sell price
      "bestBid": 84101.46,           // Highest buy price
      "midPrice": 84160.52,          // Often (bestAsk + bestBid) / 2
      "lastPrice": 84206.7,          // Most recently traded price
      "volume": 18.14469,            // 24h trading volume in base token
      "dailyChange": -8920.64,       // 24h absolute price change
      "dailyPercentageChange": -9.579, // 24h percentage price change
      "high": 93912.93,             // Highest price in the last 24h
      "low": 82498.44               // Lowest price in the last 24h
      "baseSymbol": "BTC",
      "targetSymbol": "USDT",
      "baseTokenId": 130,
      "targetTokenId": 5898,
      "exchange": "BINANCE",
      "bestAsk": 84200,
      "bestBid": 84199.99,
      "midPrice": 84199.995,
      "lastPrice": 84199.99,
      "volume": 66591.73673,
      "dailyChange": -8958.11,
      "dailyPercentageChange": -9.616,
      "high": 93721.37,
      "low": 82464.84
    // ...
  "success": true,
  "timestamp": 1741066857922,
  "requestId": "6ad68070-97a5-445f-b432-00ed4fd61a6e",
  "message": "",
  "error": null

Aggregated Ticker (Single Pair)

GET /v1/marketdata/aggregatedticker/{baseTokenId}/{targetTokenId}
GET /v1/marketdata/aggregatedticker/symbols/{baseSymbol}/{targetSymbol}

Retrieves one consolidated ticker object for the specified pair. This shows the best bid and best ask across all exchanges, along with total 24h volume, daily price change, and the 24h high/low.

Path Parameters (by Token IDs):

Name Type Mandatory Description
baseTokenId number Yes Token ID of the base token.
targetTokenId number Yes Token ID of the target token.

Path Parameters (by Symbols):

Name Type Mandatory Description
baseSymbol string Yes Symbol of the base token.
targetSymbol string Yes Symbol of the target token.

Example Requests

GET /v1/marketdata/aggregatedticker/7312/5898
GET /v1/marketdata/aggregatedticker/symbols/ETH/USDT

Example Response

  "data": {
    "baseSymbol": "ETH",        // Symbol of the base token
    "targetSymbol": "USDT",     // Symbol of the target token
    "baseTokenId": 7312,        // Token ID of the base token
    "targetTokenId": 5898,      // Token ID of the target token
    "bestBid": {
      "exchange": "BINANCE",
      "price": 2100.71,
      "size": 119.75307313       // Amount of base token available at this bid
    "bestAsk": {
      "exchange": "HUOBI",
      "price": 2099.94,
      "size": 7.791027           // Amount of base token available at this ask
    "dailyChange": -344.87,      // 24h absolute price change
    "dailyPercentageChange": -14.1062, // 24h percentage price change
    "aggregatedVolume": 48169355.885463213, // Combined 24h volume across all exchanges
    "high": 2280.9,              // Highest traded price in the last 24 hours
    "low": 2074.99               // Lowest traded price in the last 24 hours
  "success": true,
  "timestamp": 1741067253607,
  "requestId": "",
  "message": ""

Available Exchange List

For any endpoint that accepts an exchange parameter, you may specify one of:


(Setting exchange=ALL aggregates results from all exchanges.)

Tips & Additional Info

  • Token IDs are recommended to avoid symbol ambiguity.
  • For help finding a token ID or verifying a symbol, see the Token Information endpoints.
  • dailyChange and dailyPercentageChange are measured against the price from 24 hours ago.
  • aggregatedVolume is the sum of volumes across all supported exchanges.