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The Metadata endpoints provide mapping and description data for tokens and exchanges. Use these to find details such as unique token IDs, exchange names/IDs, or exchange-specific token mappings

Endpoint Overview

Method Endpoint Description
GET /v1/metadata/tokenmap Retrieves mapping of token IDs to globally recognized tokens.
GET /v1/metadata/exchangetokenmap Retrieves token mapping across exchanges.
GET /v1/metadata/exchangemap Retrieves details and metadata about exchanges.

Exchange Map

GET /v1/metadata/exchangemap

Purpose: Retrieves a list of supported exchanges with detailed metadata, including decentralization status, aggregator capability, and official website information.

Query Parameters:

Name Type Mandatory Description
offset integer No Number of records to skip (default: 0).
limit integer No Maximum number of records to return (default: 100).

Example Request:

GET /v1/metadata/exchangemap?offset=0&limit=100

Example Response:

  "data": [
      "exchangeName": "1Inch Avax-C", // Display name of the exchange
      "exchange": "_1INCH_AVAXC",     // Internal API identifier
      "isDecentralized": true,        // Indicates if exchange is decentralized
      "isAggregator": false,          // Indicates if exchange aggregates other data sources
      "quotesEnabled": true,          // Indicates if quotes are supported
      "marketDataEnabled": true,      // Indicates if market data retrieval is supported
      "website": "",
      "description": "Launched in May 2019, 1inch is a DeFi aggregator..."
      "exchangeName": "1Inch BSC",
      "exchange": "_1INCH_BEP20",
      "isDecentralized": true,
      "isAggregator": false,
      "quotesEnabled": true,
      "marketDataEnabled": true,
      "website": "",
      "description": "Launched in May 2019, 1inch is a DeFi aggregator..."
  "success": true,
  "timestamp": 1740402890351,
  "requestId": "",
  "message": ""

Token Map

GET /v1/metadata/tokenmap

Purpose: Retrieves a global list of tokens with corresponding CoinMarketCap IDs, symbols, and names. Useful for discovering a token’s unique ID within the system.

Query Parameters:

Name Type Mandatory Description
offset integer No Number of records to skip (default: 0).
limit integer No Maximum number of records to return (default: 100).

Example Request:

GET /v1/metadata/tokenmap?offset=0&limit=100

Example Response:

  "data": [
      "tokenId": 753,             // Unique API token identifier
      "cmcId": 90,                // CoinMarketCap token ID
      "tokenSymbol": "DIME",      // Token symbol
      "tokenName": "Dimecoin"     // Token display name
      "tokenId": 774,
      "cmcId": 93,
      "tokenSymbol": "42",
      "tokenName": "42-coin"
      "tokenId": 816,
      "cmcId": 99,
      "tokenSymbol": "VTC",
      "tokenName": "Vertcoin"
  "success": true,
  "timestamp": 1740474550273,
  "requestId": "10258f26-6e79-4ba9-a83f-186241abc2d8",
  "message": "",
  "error": null

Tip: Use the discovered tokenId in other API endpoints (e.g., /v1/convert/{baseTokenId}/{targetTokenId}) to access token-specific data and conversions.

Exchange Token Map

GET /v1/metadata/exchangetokenmap

Purpose: Retrieves mappings of tokens across exchanges, showing each exchange’s unique symbol for tokens. Essential for accurate token referencing on specific exchanges.

Query Parameters:

Name Type Mandatory Description
offset integer No Number of records to skip (default: 0).
limit integer No Maximum number of records to return (default: 100).
exchange string No Filter mappings to a specific exchange (e.g., BINANCE).

Example Request:

GET /v1/metadata/exchangetokenmap?offset=0&limit=100&exchange=BINANCE

Example Response:

  "data": [
      "tokenId": 137,                 // Unique API token identifier
      "cmcId": 2,                     // CoinMarketCap token ID
      "tokenSymbol": "LTC",           // Global token symbol
      "exchangeTokenSymbol": "LTC",   // Token symbol used by the exchange
      "tokenName": "Litecoin",        // Token display name
      "exchange": "GATE"              // Exchange identifier
      "tokenId": 137,
      "cmcId": 2,
      "tokenSymbol": "LTC",
      "exchangeTokenSymbol": "LTC",
      "tokenName": "Litecoin",
      "exchange": "HUOBI"
  "success": true,
  "timestamp": 1740474454021,
  "requestId": "10258f26-6e79-4ba9-a83f-186241abc2d8",
  "message": "",
  "error": null

This endpoint helps ensure accuracy when interacting with exchange-specific token symbols.

Notes & Best Practices

  • Pagination: All three endpoints support offset and limit to help with large sets of data.
  • For token-specific details (market cap, rank, networks, etc.), see TokenInformation.
  • exchange filters on /v1/metadata/exchangetokenmap let you narrow the token mappings to a specific exchange.
  • tokenId is the recommended method for referencing a token across other endpoints to avoid symbol collisions.


  • exchangemap returns metadata about each exchange (centralized/decentralized, aggregator, quotes enabled, etc.).
  • tokenmap returns a global list of tokens (including tokenId, symbol, etc.).
  • exchangetokenmap aligns tokens with their unique symbols on each exchange, helping ensure accurate references in your app.