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Trade Quotes

Endpoint Overview

Method Endpoint Description
POST /v1/trade/requestquote Submits and processes a trade quote request.
POST /v1/trade/requestadvancedquote Submits and processes an advanced trade quote request.

AIO Exchange provides two trade quote endpoints Basic and Advanced each offering different levels of fee calculation and exchange routing logic.

Important: You must be SUBSCRIBED to the market pair before requesting a quote. Check or add subscriptions via:

  • GET /v1/subscriptions View active subscriptions
  • POST /v1/subscriptions/tracksymbol Activate symbol tracking

Basic Quote

POST /v1/trade/requestquote

Purpose: Fetches a simple quote from either a single exchange or aggregated sources, without detailed deposit or withdrawal fee calculations.

Request Body:

Name Type Mandatory Description
side string Yes "BUY" or "SELL".
orderType string No "MARKET", "LIMIT", or "STOP". Default: "MARKET".
baseAmount number Yes* Amount in base currency (provide either baseAmount or targetAmount).
targetAmount number Yes* Amount in target currency (provide either baseAmount or targetAmount).
baseSymbol string Yes* Symbol of base currency (e.g., "BTC"). Provide either symbols or token IDs.
targetSymbol string Yes* Symbol of target currency (e.g., "USDT"). Provide either symbols or token IDs.
baseTokenId number Yes* Token ID of base currency.
targetTokenId number Yes* Token ID of target currency.
sources string[] No List of exchanges (e.g., ["BINANCE"]). Default: ["ALL"].

Note: You must provide either symbols or token IDs, not both. Similarly, provide either baseAmount or targetAmount.

Example Request

  "side": "BUY",
  "orderType": "MARKET",
  "baseAmount": 10,
  "baseSymbol": "TRX",
  "targetSymbol": "USDT"

Example Response

  "data": {
    "side": "BUY",                    // "BUY" or "SELL"
    "orderType": "MARKET",            // "MARKET", "LIMIT", or "STOP"
    "status": "QUOTED",               // Quote status
    "baseAmount": 10,                 // Final base amount quoted
    "targetAmount": 2.41649,          // Final target amount calculated
    "rate": 0.241649,                 // Implied exchange rate
    "baseTokenSymbol": "TRX",         // Base currency symbol
    "targetTokenSymbol": "USDT",      // Target currency symbol
    "baseTokenId": 13829,             // Base currency ID
    "targetTokenId": 5898,            // Target currency ID
    "exchange": "OKX"                 // Exchange providing best price or "ALL"
  "success": true,
  "timestamp": 1741499453037,
  "requestId": "daf671d5-265a-4184-bd48-cd28691614bd",
  "message": "",
  "error": null

Response Fields

Field Description
side "BUY" or "SELL".
orderType Order execution type ("MARKET", "LIMIT", or "STOP").
status Current status of the quote (e.g., "QUOTED", "EXPIRED").
baseAmount Final quoted amount in base currency.
targetAmount Final calculated amount in target currency.
rate Exchange rate (targetAmount / baseAmount).
baseTokenSymbol Symbol for base currency.
targetTokenSymbol Symbol for target currency.
baseTokenId ID for base currency.
targetTokenId ID for target currency.
exchange Exchange source or "ALL" if aggregated.

Note: Basic quotes do not include depositFee, withdrawalFee, or totalFee

Advanced Quote

POST /v1/trade/requestadvancedquote

Purpose: Provides a detailed quote, including comprehensive deposit, withdrawal, and trading fee calculations across multiple exchanges and blockchain networks.

Request Body:

Name Type Mandatory Description
side string Yes "BUY" or "SELL".
orderType string No "MARKET", "LIMIT", or "STOP". Default: "MARKET".
baseAmount number Yes* Amount in base currency (provide either baseAmount or targetAmount).
targetAmount number Yes* Amount in target currency (provide either baseAmount or targetAmount).
baseSymbol string Yes* Symbol of base currency (e.g., "BTC"). Provide either symbols or token IDs.
targetSymbol string Yes* Symbol of target currency (e.g., "USDT"). Provide either symbols or token IDs.
baseTokenId number Yes* Token ID of base currency.
targetTokenId number Yes* Token ID of target currency.
limitPrice number No Limit price for "LIMIT" orders (optional).
stopPrice number No Stop price for stop orders.
sources array No List of exchanges to use (default: ["ALL"]).

Note: Provide either symbols or IDs, and either baseAmount or targetAmount.

Example Request

  "side": "BUY",
  "orderType": "MARKET",
  "baseAmount": 10,
  "baseSymbol": "SOL",
  "targetSymbol": "USDT"

Example Response

  "data": {
    "side": "BUY",                     // "BUY" or "SELL"
    "orderType": "MARKET",             // "MARKET", "LIMIT", or "STOP"
    "baseAmount": 10,                  // Amount requested in base currency
    "targetAmount": 1426.487378,       // Calculated target currency amount
    "rate": 142.62,                    // Effective exchange rate
    "baseTokenSymbol": "SOL",          // Base currency symbol
    "targetTokenSymbol": "USDT",       // Target currency symbol
    "totalFee": 0.004138,              // Sum of depositFee and withdrawalFee
    "depositFee": 0.002138,            // Fee to deposit assets
    "withdrawalFee": 0.002,            // Fee for asset withdrawal
    "chain": "SPL-SPL",                // Blockchain used for routing
    "sources": ["BINANCE", "OKX"],     // Exchanges involved in quote
    "status": "QUOTED"                 // Current quote status
  "success": true,
  "timestamp": 1741499453037,
  "requestId": "daf671d5-265a-4184-bd48-f223982fdeea",
  "message": "",
  "error": null

Advanced Quote Response Fields

Name Description
side "BUY" or "SELL".
orderType "MARKET", "LIMIT", or "STOP".
status "QUOTED", "EXPIRED", etc.
baseAmount Final base currency amount quoted.
targetAmount Final target currency amount calculated.
rate Effective exchange rate.
baseTokenSymbol Base currency symbol.
targetTokenSymbol Target currency symbol.
baseTokenId ID of the base currency.
targetTokenId ID of the target currency.
totalFee Total of deposit, withdrawal, and trading fees.
depositFee Fee charged for depositing assets.
withdrawalFee Withdrawal fee charged by exchanges.
chain Blockchain network utilized (e.g., "ERC20", "SPL-SPL").
sources Exchanges utilized for optimal pricing.

Usage Notes

  • Subscription Check: You must have SUBSCRIBED to the pair (via /v1/subscriptions and /v1/subscriptions/tracksymbol) or you�ll get an error.
  • Flexible Amount Input: Only one of baseAmount or targetAmount should be set; the other is derived.
  • Order Types:
  • MARKET: Fills at best market price.
  • LIMIT: Includes limitPrice.
  • STOP: Includes stopPrice.
  • Fee Considerations:
  • Basic quotes omit deposit/withdraw fees.
  • Advanced quotes fully calculate deposit, withdrawal, and trading fees for a more accurate total cost.